Whitechapel (ltd.edt.)

    Whitechapel (ltd.edt.)

    di Whitechapel

    Prodotto non disponibile
    • € 25.80

    Dettagli del prodotto



    1 Make it bleed
    2 Hate creation
    3 (Cult) Uralist
    4 I, dementia
    5 Section 8
    6 Faces
    7 Dead silence
    8 The night remains
    9 Devoid
    10 Possibilities of an impossible existence


    1 Section 8
    2 Strenght beyond strenght (Pantera Cover)
    3 Breeding violence (Big Chocolate Remix)
    4 This is exile (Ben Weinman Remix)
    5 End of flesh (Acoustic)

    *** Digipack