Soul seduction

    Soul seduction

    di Barry White

    Spedizione a 1 eurosopra € 25
    Spedito normalmente in 2/3 giorni lavorativi

    Dettagli del prodotto


    1. Never gonna give ya up
    2. Standing in the shadows of love
    3. What am I going to do with you
    4. Honey please can't you see
    5. Your sweetness is my weakness
    6. I love to sing the songs I sing
    7. It's only love doing it's thing
    8. Bring back my yesterday
    9. I've got so much to give
    10. You see the trouble with me
    11. Playing your game baby
    12. You're so good, you're so bad
    13. Oh me, oh my (I'm such a lucky guy)

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