Pictures reframed

    Pictures reframed

    di Andsnes Leif Ove

    Prodotto non disponibile
    • € 52.40

    Dettagli del prodotto

    • Ean: 5099996700525
    • Tipo di supporto: CD
    • Numero dischi: 2
    • Etichetta: Classico
    • Artista: Andsnes Leif Ove
    • Data uscita: 01-02-2010


    Pictures Reframed (at the Risr Chamber Music Festival, June 2009): Promenade 1 Pictures Reframed (at the Risr Chamber Music Festival, June 2009): The Gnome Pictures Reframed (at the Risr Chamber Music Festival, June 2009): Promenade 2 Pictures Reframed (at the Risr Chamber Music Festival, June 2009): The Old Castle Pictures Reframed (at the Risr Chamber Music Festival, June 2009): Promenade 3 Pictures Reframed (at the Risr Chamber Music Festival, June 2009): The Tuileries Pictures Reframed (at the Risr Chamber Music Festival, June 2009): Bydlo Pictures Reframed (at the Risr Chamber Music Festival, June 2009): Promenade 4 Pictures Reframed (at the Risr Chamber Music Festival, June 2009): Ballet of the Chickens in their Shell Pictures Reframed (at the Risr Chamber Music Festival, June 2009): Samuel Goldenberg and Schmyle Pictures Reframed (at the Risr Chamber Music Festival, June 2009): Promenade 5 Pictures Reframed (at the Risr Chamber Music Festival, June 2009): Limoges: The Market Place Pictures Reframed (at the Risr Chamber Music Festival, June 2009): The Catacombs Sepulchrum Romanum - Sum mortuis in lingua mortua Pictures Reframed (at the Risr Chamber Music Festival, June 2009): The Hut on Cock's Legs Baba-Yaga Pictures Reframed (at the Risr Chamber Music Festival, June 2009): The Great Gate of Kiev Leif Ove Andsnes Reframed: Introduction Leif Ove Andsnes Reframed: Berlin Leif Ove Andsnes Reframed: About Pictures Leif Ove Andsnes Reframed: London Leif Ove Andsnes Reframed: Madrid by train Leif Ove Andsnes Reframed: Hometown Bergen Leif Ove Andsnes Reframed: Recording Leif Ove Andsnes Reframed: The Dock Leif Ove Andsnes Reframed: Schloss Elmau Leif Ove Andsnes Reframed: Karmy Leif Ove Andsnes Reframed: Risr Leif Ove Andsnes Reframed: The FinaleCD-2
    Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade Pictures at an Exhibition: The Gnome/Gnomus Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade Pictures at an Exhibition: The Old Castle/ Il vecchio castello Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade Pictures at an Exhibition: The Tuileries/Tuileries Pictures at an Exhibition: The Ox Cart/Bydlo Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade Pictures at an Exhibition: Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks/Bellet des pouissins dans leur coques Pictures at an Exhibition: Two Polish Jews: Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade Pictures at an Exhibition: The Market Place in Limoges/Limoges - Le Marché Pictures at an Exhibition: The Catacombs (Catacombae Sepulchrum romanum) - cum mortuis in lingua mortua Pictures at an Exhibition: The Hut on Fowl's Legs (Baba Yaga)/La Cabane sur des pattes de poule Pictures at an Exhibition: The Great Gate of Kiev/La grande porte de Kiev From Memories of Childhood: Nyanya i ya (Nurse and I) From Memories of Childhood: Pervoye nakazaniye: Nyanya zapirayet menya v temnuyu komnatu First Punishment: Nurse Shuts Me in a Dark Ro Duma Rverie, on a theme of V.A. Loginov Bliz yuzhnogo berega Krma Near the Southern Shore of the Crimea Kinderszenen, Op.15: Von fremden Lndern und Menschen Kinderszenen, Op.15: Kuriose Geschichte Kinderszenen, Op.15: Hasche-Mann Kinderszenen, Op.15: Bittendes Kind Kinderszenen, Op.15: Glckes genug Kinderszenen, Op.15: Wichtige Begebenheit Kinderszenen, Op.15: Trumerei Kinderszenen, Op.15: Am Kamin Kinderszenen, Op.15: Ritter vom Steckenpferd Kinderszenen, Op.15: Fast zu ernst Kinderszenen, Op.15: Frchtenmachen Kinderszenen, Op.15: Kind im Einschlummern Kinderszenen, Op.15: Der Dichter spricht