My father will guide me up a rope to the sky

    My father will guide me up a rope to the sky

    di Swans

    Prodotto non disponibile
    • € 17.70

    Dettagli del prodotto


    Disco n. 1
    1. Swans - No Words / No Thoughts (0:09:25)
    2. Swans - Reeling the Liars In (0:02:20)
    3. Swans - Jim (0:06:46)
    4. Swans - My Birth (0:03:53)
    5. Swans - You Fucking People Make Me Sick (0:05:09)
    6. Swans - Inside Madeline (0:06:37)
    7. Swans - Eden Prison (0:06:03)
    8. Swans - Little Mouth (0:04:13)

    Disco n. 2
    1. Swans - Look at Me Go (0:46:07)