Messiah,athalia,esther,la resurrezione

    Messiah,athalia,esther,la resurrezione

    di Hogwood,Ac.Anc.Muusi

    Prodotto non disponibile
    • € 71.70

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    Disco 1
    1. Symphony
    2. 1. Accompagnato: Comfort ye, My people - 2. Air: Ev'ry Valley shall be exalted
    3. Chorus: And the glory of the Lord
    4. Accompagnata: Thus saith the Lord... Aria: But who may abide...
    5. Chorus: And He shall purify the sons of Levi
    6. 7. Recit: Behold, a Virgin shall conceive 8. Aria:O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion 9. Coro
    7. 10. Accompagnato: For behold, darkness shall cover the earth 11. Aria: The people that walked in darkness
    8. Chorus: "For unto us a Child is born"
    9. Pifa (Pastoral Symphony)
    10. Recit: There were shepherds...Chorus: Glory to God
    11. Air: Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion
    12. Then shall the eyes of the blind....He shall feed his flock
    13. 19. Chorus: His yoke is easy
    14. Chorus: Behold the Lamb of God
    15. Air: He was despised

    Disco 2
    1. Chorus: Surely he hath borne...Chorus: And with his
    2. Chorus: All we like sheep have gone astray
    3. Recit: All they that see him...Chorus: He trusted in God
    4. Recit: Thy rebuke...Air: Behold...Recit: He was cut..
    5. Aria: But thou didst not leave his soul in hell
    6. Chorus: Lift up your heads
    7. Recitativo: Unto which of the angels - Chorus: Let all the Angels
    8. Air: "Thou art gone up on high"
    9. Chorus: The Lord gave the word
    10. Air: How beautiful are the feet
    11. Chorus: Their sound is gone out
    12. Why do the nations...Let us break their bonds asunder
    13. Recitativo: He that dwelleth...Air: Thou shalt break them
    14. Chorus: "Hallelujah"
    15. Air: I know that my Redeemer liveth
    16. Chorus: Since by man came death
    17. Behold, I tell you......The Trumpet shall sound
    18. Then shall be brought to pass...O Death, ....
    19. Chorus: But thanks be to God
    20. Air: If God be for us
    21. Worthy is the Lamb... Blessing and honour
    22. Amen

    Disco 3
    1. Sinfonia
    2. "Blooming virgins, spotless train"
    3. "The rising world Jehovah crown'd"
    4. "Tyrants would in impious throngs"
    5. "When he is in his wrath reveal'd"
    6. "Your sacred songs awhile forbear"
    7. "What scenes of horror round me rise!"
    8. "The gods, who chosen blessings shed"
    9. "Cheer her, O Baal"
    10. "Gentle airs, melodious strains!"
    11. "Softest sounds no more can ease me"
    12. "The traitor if you there descry...My Josabeth!"
    13. "Faithful cares in vain extended"
    14. "Gloomy tyrants, we disdain"

    Disco 4
    1. "The mighty pow'r"
    2. "Through the land so lovely blooming"
    3. "Ah, canst thou but prove me!"
    4. "Will God, whose mercies ever flow"
    5. "My vengeance awakes me"
    6. "My spirits fail, I faint, I die!"
    7. "Cease thy anguish, smile once more"
    8. "The clouded scene begins to clear"
    9. "What sacred horrors shake my breast!"
    10. "Unfold, great seer, what heav'n imparts"
    11. "Let harmony breathe soft around"
    12. "With firm united hearts"
    13. "Soothing tyrant, falsely smiling"
    14. "Around let acclamations ring"
    15. "Oppression, no longer I dread thee"
    16. "Hark! His thunders round me roll"
    17. "To darkness eternal"
    18. "Now, Josabeth, thy fears are o'er!"
    19. "Give glory to his awful name"

    Disco 5
    1. Ouverture...Recit "Tis greater far to spare"
    2. "Pluck root and branch from out the land"
    3. "Shall we the God of Israel fear?"
    4. "Tune your harps to cheerful strains"
    5. "Shall we of servitude complain"
    6. "Praise the Lord with cheerful noise"
    7. "Sing songs of praise, bow down the knee"
    8. "Ye sons of Israel mourn"
    9. "O Jordan, Jordan, sacred tide"
    10. "Dread not, righteous Queen, the danger
    11. "Tears assist me, pity moving"
    12. "Save us, O Lord"

    Disco 6
    1. "Who dares intrude into our presence"
    2. "Who calls my parting soul from death?"
    3. "O beauteous Queen"...Recit:"If I find favour"
    4. "How can I stay when love invites"
    5. "Virtue, truth and innocence"
    6. "Jehovah, crown'd with glory bright"
    7. "Turn not, O Queen, thy face away"
    8. "Flatt'ring tongue, no more I hear thee!"
    9. "How art thou fall'n from thy height!"
    10. "The Lord our enemy has slain"

    Disco 7
    1. Sonata
    2. Aria: Be unbarred, ye gates of Avernus
    3. Recitative: What unexpected light
    4. Recitative: But what is this? Silence, ye grisly monster
    5. Aria: By love's inspiration
    6. Aria:O ye dread powers
    7. Recitative: Night, o night of sorrows
    8. Arioso: Weep, weep, weep
    9. Duet:Sweet nails...though pale...etc.
    10. Aria: When it is born of love
    11. Aria: When it is born of love
    12. Aria: Thus may the turtle dove
    13. Aria:A Voice within my heart
    14. Chorus: May the victorious God

    Disco 8
    1. Introduction
    2. Aria: Behold the sun which rises from the sea
    3. Aria:Let all the world arise
    4. In vain doth fettered Hell
    5. Aria:To conceal this latest shame
    6. Duet: I shall prevent that, boldness shall suffice
    7. Aria:Jesus did not fear
    8. Aria: As I watch, the skies become
    9. Aria: A through the fault of an unhappy woman
    10. Aria: Before the tempest's fury
    11. Aria: Little birds and brooklets
    12. Aria: Dear Son
    13. Aria: as thou, invincible, immortal
    14. Come, come, with the Redeemer