Love songs

    Love songs

    di Kocena-Johnson

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    • € 21.30

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    1. 1. O,nasi lsce nekvete (Oh, our love does not bloom)
    2. 2. V tak mnohém srdci mrtvo jest (Death dwells in so many a heart)
    3. 3. Kol domu se tedn potcm ( Now I stumble past the house)
    4. 4. J vm, ze v sladke nadeji (I know that in sweet hope)
    5. 5. Nad krajem vévod lehky spnek (Gentle slumber reigns over the countryside)
    6. 6. Zde v lese u potoka (Here in the forest by a brook)
    7. 7. V té sladké moci oc tvych (In the sweet power of your eyes)
    8. 8. p duse drah, jedink (Oh, dear matchless soul)
    9. 1. Bohat mil (The Rich Sweetheart)
    10. 2. Opusteny mily (The Forsaken Lover)
    11. 3. Touha (Longing)
    12. 4. Zwedavé dievca (The Inquisitive Girl)
    13. 5. Veselé dievca (The Cheerful Girl)
    14. 6. Smutny mily (The Unhappy Lover)
    15. 7. Prosba (The Request)
    16. 8. Vysok veza (The tall tower)
    17. 1. Koncky na ouhore (Ponies on the Fallow Land)
    18. 2. Ztaceny pantoflcek (The Lost Little Slipper)
    19. 3. Psen nbozn (A Religious Song)
    20. 4. Pozvn (An Invitaion)
    21. 1. Vy vrouc psne ( You heartfelt songs)
    22. 2. O byl to krsny zlaty sen (Oh, that was a beautiful, golden dream)
    23. 3. Mé srdce casto (In pain, my heart often broods)
    24. 4. Na horch ticho (Silence on the mountains)
    25. Ukolébavka (Lullaby)
    26. 1. Rosicka (Dew)
    27. 2. Otevren sloveckem (Unlocking with a single word)
    28. 3. Cesta k milé (Journey to the Beloved)
    29. 4. Chodncek (The Footpath)
    30. 5. U mamenky (At Motherns)
    31. 6. Sen panny Marie (The Virgin Maryns Dream)
    32. 7. Rozmaryn (Rosemary)
    33. 2. Povedz ze mi, povedz (So tell me)
    34. 8. Mala som j rukvce (I had a blouse)
    35. 17. Komu kytka (Who Is the Posy For?)
    36. 5. Obrzek milého (A Loverns Picture)
    37. 19. Pérecko (Little Posy)
    38. 16. Stlost (Constancy)
    39. Lska (Love)
    40. 38. Loucen (Parting)
    41. 18. Koncky milého)
    42. Dobr noc, m mila (Good night, my darling) V nradnm tnu (In Folk Tone)