Live at fillmore west 1969

    Live at fillmore west 1969

    di Country Joe and the Fish & Friends

    Prodotto non disponibile
    • € 27.17

    Dettagli del prodotto


    Disco n. 1
    1. Country Joe and the Fish & Friends - Introuction / Rock and Soul Music / Love (0:06:15)
    2. Country Joe and the Fish & Friends - Here I Go Again (0:04:42)
    3. Country Joe and the Fish & Friends - It's So Nice to Have Your Love (0:06:31)
    4. Country Joe and the Fish & Friends - Flying High (0:12:36)
    5. Country Joe and the Fish & Friends - Doctor of Electricity (0:09:11)
    6. Country Joe and the Fish & Friends - Donovan's Reef Jam (0:38:17)