

    di O.S.T.-Frida

    Prodotto non disponibile
    • € 10.60

    Dettagli del prodotto


    1. Benediction and dreams
    2. The floating bed
    3. El conjevo
    4. Paloma negra
    5. Self portrait with air down
    6. Alcoba azul
    7. Carabina 30/30
    8. Solo tu
    9. El gusto
    10. The journey
    11. El antifaz
    12. The suicide of dorothy hale
    13. La cavalera
    14. La bruja
    15. Portrait of lupe
    16. La llorona
    17. Estrella oscura
    18. Still life
    19. Viva la vida
    20. The departure
    21. Coyoacan and variations
    22. La llorona
    23. Burning bed
    24. Burn it blue