Album box set

    Album box set

    di Radiohead

    Prodotto non disponibile
    • € 54.30

    Dettagli del prodotto

    • Ean: 5099951722920
    • Tipo di supporto: CD
    • Numero dischi: 7
    • Etichetta: Parlophone
    • Artista: Radiohead
    • Data uscita: 01-01-1900
    • Durata totale: 5:37:02


    Disco n. 1
    1. Radiohead - You (0:03:29)
    2. Radiohead - Creep (0:03:56)
    3. Radiohead - How Do You? (0:02:12)
    4. Radiohead - Stop Whispering (0:05:26)
    5. Radiohead - Thinking About You (0:02:42)
    6. Radiohead - Anyone Can Play Guitar (0:03:38)
    7. Radiohead - Ripcord (0:03:10)
    8. Radiohead - Vegetable (0:03:13)
    9. Radiohead - Prove Yourself (0:02:25)
    10. Radiohead - I Can t (0:04:13)
    11. Radiohead - Lurgee (0:03:08)
    12. Radiohead - Blow Out (0:04:40)

    Disco n. 2
    1. Radiohead - Planet Telex (0:04:19)
    2. Radiohead - The Bends (0:04:06)
    3. Radiohead - High and Dry (0:04:18)
    4. Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees (0:04:51)
    5. Radiohead - Bones (0:03:09)
    6. Radiohead - (Nice Dream) (0:03:53)
    7. Radiohead - Just (0:03:54)
    8. Radiohead - My Iron Lung (0:04:36)
    9. Radiohead - Bullet Proof..I Wish I Was (0:03:29)
    10. Radiohead - Black Star (0:04:07)
    11. Radiohead - Sulk (0:03:43)
    12. Radiohead - Street Spirit (Fade Out) (0:04:12)

    Disco n. 3
    1. Radiohead - Airbag (0:04:44)
    2. Radiohead - Paranoid Android (0:06:23)
    3. Radiohead - Subterranean Homesick Alien (0:04:28)
    4. Radiohead - Exit Music (for a Film) (0:04:25)
    5. Radiohead - Let Down (0:04:59)
    6. Radiohead - Karma Police (0:04:22)
    7. Radiohead - Fitter Happier (0:01:57)
    8. Radiohead - Electioneering (0:03:51)
    9. Radiohead - Climbing Up the Walls (0:04:45)
    10. Radiohead - No Surprises (0:03:49)
    11. Radiohead - Lucky (0:04:20)
    12. Radiohead - The Tourist (0:05:25)

    Disco n. 4
    1. Radiohead - Everything in Its Right Place (0:04:11)
    2. Radiohead - Kid A (0:04:45)
    3. Radiohead - The National Anthem (0:05:52)
    4. Radiohead - How to Disappear Completely (0:05:56)
    5. Radiohead - Treefingers (0:03:43)
    6. Radiohead - Optimistic (0:05:16)
    7. Radiohead - In Limbo (0:03:31)
    8. Radiohead - Idioteque (0:05:09)
    9. Radiohead - Morning Bell (0:04:36)
    10. Radiohead - Motion Picture Soundtrack (0:06:59)

    Disco n. 5
    1. Radiohead - Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box (0:04:00)
    2. Radiohead - Pyramid Song (0:04:49)
    3. Radiohead - Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors (0:04:07)
    4. Radiohead - You and Whose Army? (0:03:11)
    5. Radiohead - I Might Be Wrong (0:04:54)
    6. Radiohead - Knives Out (0:04:15)
    7. Radiohead - Morning Bell/Amnesiac (0:03:14)
    8. Radiohead - Dollars and Cents (0:04:52)
    9. Radiohead - Hunting Bears (0:02:01)
    10. Radiohead - Like Spinning Plates (0:03:57)
    11. Radiohead - Life in a Glasshouse (0:04:35)

    Disco n. 6
    1. Radiohead - The National Anthem (0:04:58)
    2. Radiohead - I Might Be Wrong (0:04:52)
    3. Radiohead - Morning Bell (0:04:14)
    4. Radiohead - Like Spinning Plates (0:03:47)
    5. Radiohead - Idioteque (0:04:25)
    6. Radiohead - Everything in Its Right Place (0:07:43)
    7. Radiohead - Dollars and Cents (0:05:13)
    8. Radiohead - True Love Waits (0:05:03)

    Disco n. 7
    1. Radiohead - 2 + 2 = 5 (0:03:24)
    2. Radiohead - Sit Down, Stand Up (0:04:15)
    3. Radiohead - Sail to the Moon (0:04:28)
    4. Radiohead - Backdrifts (0:05:32)
    5. Radiohead - Go to Sleep (0:03:31)
    6. Radiohead - Where I End and You Begin (0:04:34)
    7. Radiohead - We Suck Young Blood. (0:04:59)
    8. Radiohead - The Gloaming (0:04:23)
    9. Radiohead - There There (0:05:25)
    10. Radiohead - I Will (0:02:25)
    11. Radiohead - A Punchup at a Wedding (0:04:54)
    12. Radiohead - Myxomatosis (0:03:58)
    13. Radiohead - Scatterbrain. (0:03:24)
    14. Radiohead - A Wolf at the Door. (0:03:25)